Kashmir |The most Popular issues describe In 2024

For many years, the Indian subcontinent has grappled with the complex and protracted Kashmir dispute. Since the division of British India in 1947, the Kashmir area, sandwiched between India and Pakistan, has been a hotbed of conflict, violence, and diplomatic tension.

The purpose of this essay is to provide light on the complexity that continue to define the future of the region by providing a thorough exploration of the historical, political, and social components of the Kashmir conflict.

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Background Information in History

The partition of British India in 1947 resulted in the creation of two independent nations, India and Pakistan. A territorial dispute erupted, with Maharaja Hari Singh leading the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir. Tribal militias from Pakistan raided Kashmir, forcing the Maharaja to decide between joining India or Pakistan. As a result, the Maharaja agreed to accede to the newly established nation and requested military support from India.

This action sparked the first Indo-Pakistani war in 1947–1948. Which resulted to the creation of the Line of Control (LoC), which split the area. Pakistan-administered AJK and Gilgit-Baltistan and Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir.

Human Rights Issues

Significant human rights issues have also been raised by the violence. International attention has been drawn to reports of violence, arbitrary detentions, and limits on the right to free speech. There have been multiple allegations of human rights breaches by Indian and Pakistani forces.

Political Aspects

Conflicting territorial claims and disparate political goals characterize Kashmir’s complicated political environment.

Both India and Pakistan claim the entire territory of Jammu, with the Line of Control serving as a de facto boundary between them.

However, there has been disagreement among the Kashmiri populace over their goals; some want to become part of India, some want to become part of Pakistan, and a sizable portion wants to become an independent state.

A number of political events throughout the years, including as India’s revocation of Article 370 in August 2019, have heightened the discourse surrounding the region’s status. The removal of Article 370, which gave Jammu exceptional autonomy, caused outrage on both the domestic and international fronts.

International Diplomacy and Mediation

A permanent settlement to the dispute has eluded numerous international mediation attempts. Although the UN has contributed to the facilitation of talks between India and Pakistan, no real progress has been made. Refusing outside intervention, both nations maintain that the dispute is a bilateral one.


Human rights concerns, political intrigue, and historical grievances all combine to make this issue one that will never go away. The region is facing conflicting narratives and goals, making it difficult to find a fair and long-lasting solution to the Kashmir dispute. In order to promote communication and a peaceful settlement that upholds the rights and aspirations of the peoples, the international community must continue to pay attention to the situation and exert diplomatic pressure.

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