Kashmiris |How To killed by the most Indian army

A protracted territorial dispute between India and Pakistan, the Kashmir war has caused a great deal of hardship to people throughout the years. The topic of civilian casualties is one of the more divisive ones, with accusations against the Indian armed services for their part in the violence. The purpose of this essay is to give a general overview of the difficulties in establishing the precise number of deaths among the Kashmiri people as well as the complications surrounding this topic.


Table of Contents

Context of History

The 1947 division of British India that resulted in the formation of India and Pakistan. Due to claims to the land made by both countries, the region of Jammu and Kashmir became a major focus. Since then, several parties have become involved in the dispute, including separatist organizations, locals, and foreign players.

Claims of Violations

Human rights organizations have extensively reported on charges that the Indian armed forces violated human rights in Kashmir. These accusations include the use of excessive force against people, extrajudicial executions, forced disappearances, and torture.

The Indian government refutes these allegations, arguing that it must uphold law and order and defeat insurgency.

Calculating Death Tolls

It is difficult to pinpoint the precise number of casualties among the Kashmiri people for a variety of reasons. Figures reported by foreign organizations and local human rights groups may not match those provided by the Indian government. The verification procedure is made more difficult by the lack of openness and restricted access to war zones.

Promote Accountability

Numerous domestic and global organizations have demanded impartial inquiries into the purported violations of human rights in Kashmir.

The UN and other human rights organizations have raised concerns, urging all parties to take the complaints of the impacted.

Reaching an agreement on an unbiased investigation is still quite difficult, though.

Towards Settlement

Efforts to end the violence in Kashmir through diplomacy have been made, but achieving a long-term resolution has proven difficult.

The international community remains involved in promoting peaceful talks and conversation to address the underlying causes of human rights in the area.


The human cost of the fighting in Kashmir cannot be denied, and establishing long-lasting peace in the area necessitates resolving the issue of civilian deaths.

To promote educated debates and diplomatic efforts to establish a fair and long-lasting resolution to the Kashmir dispute, a thorough and objective grasp of the nuances surrounding this subject is necessary.

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