Kashmir issue in UN? The Most Beautiful Place On Earth

Who First Raised the Kashmir Issue in the United Nations?

Shortly after British India was divided into India and Pakistan in 1947, India brought up the Kashmir issue for the first time in the UN on January 1, 1948. After the division, a dispute sprang out between Pakistan and India over the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir, which was supposed to become a part of one of the two newly created countries.

Kashmir issue

India asked the UN Security Council to take up the issue and requested UN assistance to resolve the conflict. Subsequently, the UN adopted resolutions in 1948 and 1949 demanding the end of hostilities, the evacuation of soldiers, and a referendum to decide Kashmir’s status.


A complicated and protracted territorial conflict over Kashmir has embroiled India and Pakistan.

An important development in the UN’s history is its engagement in resolving this issue. This essay will examine who brought up the Kashmir problem before the UN for the first time and the events that led up to this crucial point.

  • Background
  • First Major Conflict
  • Indian Involvement
  • India’s Appeal to the United Nations
  • UNSC Resolution 47
  • First Steps Towards Resolution
  • Conclusion


The 1947 division of British India is where the Kashmir dispute first emerged. The princely state of Jammu and Kashmir, with its Muslim majority and Hindu ruler Maharaja Hari Singh, became a source of stress after India and Pakistan gained their independence.

First Major Conflict:

When Pakistani tribal warriors attacked Kashmir in October 1947, Maharaja Hari Singh turned to India for support. India signed the Instrument of Accession after agreeing to assist Kashmir on the condition that it become part of India.

Indian Involvement:

The First Indo-Pak War over Kashmir broke out as Indian forces moved into the region to thwart the tribal assault. India brought up the subject of the invasion and Pakistan’s role in the Kashmir dispute during this war.

India’s Appeal to the United Nations:

India requested international assistance in settling the Kashmir issue from the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in January 1948. India charged Pakistan of inciting hostility and providing backing to the tribal groups.

UNSC Resolution 47:

On April 21, 1948, the UNSC adopted Resolution 47 following discussions. This resolution demanded the establishment of a United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan (UNCIP) to resolve the dispute, an immediate ceasefire, and the evacuation of Indian and Pakistani soldiers from Kashmir.

shikara, kashmir, srinagar-Kashmir issue

First Steps Towards Resolution:

The United Nations’ engagement signaled the beginning of an international attempt to resolve the Kashmir dispute. After UNCIP got going, there was a ceasefire. The next actions, including as a plebiscite to decide Kashmir’s destiny, encountered several challenges and were never completely accomplished.


The international community’s engagement in this long-running disagreement began when India brought up the Kashmir issue before the UN for the first time in 1948. The complexity of the problem, shifting geopolitical dynamics, and unresolved conflicts have prevented a definitive settlement from being reached to this day, despite the UN’s initial efforts to find a peaceful solution.

Knowing the background of the person who initially took the Kashmir conflict before the UN helps to clarify the current difficulties and diplomatic initiatives to resolve this persistent and delicate disagreement.

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